Section: Food and Drink
- The word for food in Spanish is comida.
- For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the respective terms are desayuno, almuerzo, and cena.
- La fruta and la verdura signify fruit and vegetables.
- The terms for meat, fish, and eggs are carne, pescado, and huevos, respectively.
- You express you’re hungry/thirsty with Tengo hambre/sed.
- To ask for the bill in a restaurant, say La cuenta, por favor.
Section: Health and Fitness
- El deporte is the Spanish term for sport.
- The terms for exercise and gym are ejercicio and gimnasio, respectively.
- Correr means to run; nadar signifies to swim.
- The term for health is salud, and healthy is expressed as saludable.
- To say you feel sick, use the phrase Me siento mal.
Section: House and Home
- The word for home in Spanish is casa; flat is expressed as piso.
- Specific rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom are denoted as cocina, baño, and dormitorio, respectively.
- Common furniture include cama (bed), mesa (table), and silla (chair).
- Sofá is the Spanish term for couch.
- The phrases for cleaning and cooking are limpiar and cocinar, respectively.
Section: Daily Routine
- To say you wake up at a specific time, use Me despierto a las…
- Desayuno a las… signifies breakfast at a certain time.
- The word for shower is ducha; to take a shower translates to Tomar una ducha.
- Me acuesto a las… is used for indicating the time you go to bed.
- To express the times you leave for and return from work/school, use Salgo para el trabajo/la escuela a las… and Regreso del trabajo/la escuela a las…
Section: Shopping
- Tienda de comestibles means grocery store; supermercado translates into supermarket.
- For clothes shopping, use tienda de ropa.
- To say something is expensive or cheap, use es caro or es barato.
- Tarjeta de crédito and efectivo are the terms for credit card and cash.
- Quisiera comprar… is a way to express “I would like to buy…”