
Communication in the Workplace

  • Understand the term ‘La communication interne’ which means ‘internal communication’ within an organisation. This relates to the exchange of information and messages within an organisation.
  • Know the phrase ‘La communication externe’, relating to an organisation’s interaction with external bodies such as customers, suppliers and stakeholders.
  • Recognise the importance of ‘La correspondence professionnelle’ (professional correspondence) which refers to emails, letters, memos and other written communication in a professional setting.

Forms of Communication

  • Be familiar with ‘la réunion’ (the meeting) – a common practice in many workplaces. Related terms to understand include ‘l’ordre du jour’ (the agenda), and ‘le compte-rendu’ (the minutes or report).
  • Understand terms related to digital communication platforms including ‘les emails’ (emails), ‘les appels vidéo’ (video calls), ‘la messagerie instantanée’ (instant messaging), and ‘les réseaux sociaux’ (social networks).
  • Know the terms ‘le téléphone’ (the telephone), ‘la conférence téléphonique’ (the teleconference), ‘l’appel vidéo’ (video call) and ‘la visioconférence’ (video conference).

Communication Skills

  • Grasp the terms for various communication skills, such as ‘l’écoute active’ (active listening), ‘la prise de parole’ (public speaking), and ‘la négociation’ (negotiation).
  • Understand ‘le langage non verbal’ (non-verbal language), a valuable aspect of communication that includes body language, tone of voice, facial expressions and other non-text elements.
  • Be aware of the term ‘le feedback’ (feedback), an important element in communication for improving performance and productivity.

Vocabulary for Workplace Relations

  • Strengthen your understanding of phrases to describe workplace relationships like ‘travailler en équipe’ (working as a team), ‘l’esprit d’équipe’ (team spirit) and ‘le leadership’ (leadership).
  • Know how to describe communication styles with terms like ‘la communication directe’ (direct communication) and ‘la communication indirecte’ (indirect communication).
  • Be able to describe communication scenarios with phrases like ‘J’ai discuté de…‘ (I discussed…), ‘Nous avons convenu que…‘ (We agreed that…), and ‘Il/elle a suggéré que…‘ (He/she suggested that…).