Further Education and Training

Further Education and Training

Post-Secondary Education

  • Understand the term ‘L’enseignement supérieur’ which means ‘higher education’. This is a common term within French speaking work environments and could appear within the exam.
  • Know the basic structure of French university degrees - a ‘licence’ is roughly equivalent to a bachelors degree, a ‘master’ is a masters degree and a ‘doctorat’ is a PhD.
  • Be familiar with the term ‘La Faculté’ or ‘La Fac’, meaning ‘the university’ - a term commonly used by French students.
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of ‘Les grandes écoles’. These are highly prestigious and selective higher education institutions in France.

Vocational Education

  • Understand the term ‘La formation professionnelle’, meaning ‘professional training’, a regular feature in discussions about the world of work in French-speaking cultures.
  • Know the terms ‘un apprenti’ (an apprentice) and ‘un apprentissage’ (an apprenticeship), terms often used to discuss vocational training.
  • Become familiar with ‘le CAP’ (Certificate of Professional Aptitude) and ‘le BEP’ (Professional Studies Certificate), both vocational qualifications in France.
  • Remember that ‘BTS’ (Higher Technician Certificate) and ‘DUT’ (University Technology Diploma) are equivalent roughly to a junior college degree in the United States or a foundation degree in the United Kingdom.

Study-Related Vocabulary

  • Understand the essential vocabulary for discussing study and education, such as ‘étudier’ (to study), ‘un cours’ (a course), ‘un devoir’ (a task or homework), ‘un étudiant’ or ‘une étudiante’ (a student), ‘un professeur’ (a teacher or professor), and ‘la salle de classe’ (the classroom).
  • Know the terms for various subjects such as ‘les mathématiques’ (mathematics), ‘la biologie’ (biology), ‘la physique’ (physics), ‘la chimie’ (chemistry), ‘l’histoire’ (history), ‘la géographie’ (geography), ‘la littérature’ (literature), and ‘la philosophie’ (philosophy).
  • Be able to describe your educational experience, including ‘Je suis en train d’étudier…‘ (I am studying…), ‘J’ai étudié…‘ (I have studied…), ‘Je vais étudier…‘ (I will study…), ‘J’ai appris…‘ (I have learned…) and ‘Je veux étudier…‘ (I want to study…).