Language at Work

Language at Work

Language of Work

  • Understand the term ‘Le monde du travail’ which translates to ‘The world of work’. This is a commonly used phrase in the context of employment in French-speaking cultures.
  • Be familiar with the term ‘un emploi’ (a job), and know that someone seeking employment may be referred to as ‘un demandeur d’emploi’.
  • Understand ‘le bureau’ as the French term for ‘the office’, while ‘un ouvrier’ and ‘un cadre’ are ‘a worker’ and ‘an executive’ respectively.
  • Remember the term ‘un entretien d’embauche’, meaning ‘a job interview’. ‘Embaucher’ means ‘to hire’ while ‘licencier’ translates to ‘to fire’.

Workplace Interactions

  • Learn how to discuss workplace interactions including the verb ‘travailler’ (to work), ‘collaborer’ (to collaborate), ‘diriger’ (to lead) and ‘obéir’ (to obey).
  • Familiarise with the phrase ‘prendre une pause’ meaning ‘to take a break’, and understand that ‘le déjeuner’ refers to ‘lunch’.
  • Be able to discuss work tasks using verbs such as ‘faire’ (to do/make), ‘écrire’ (to write), ‘créer’ (to create) and ‘analyser’ (to analyse).
  • Understand the concept of ‘le travail d’équipe’ meaning ‘teamwork’ along with relevant terms such as ‘un chef’ (a leader) and ‘un(e) collègue’ (a colleague).

Career Progression and Job Titles

  • Remember the terms ‘profession’ (job), ‘carrière’ (career), ‘avancement’ or ‘promotion’ (promotion), and ‘retraite’ (retirement).
  • Understand common job titles such as ‘un ingénieur’ (an engineer), ‘un médecin’ (a doctor), ‘un avocat’ (a lawyer), ‘un enseignant’ or ‘un professeur’ (a teacher).
  • Know that a trainee is referred to as ‘un stagiaire’ and a traineeship as ‘un stage’.
  • Understand that a CV is referred to as ‘un curriculum vitae’ and a cover letter is ‘une lettre de motivation’.

Business and Finance

  • Familiarize yourself with important business terminology such as ‘entreprise’ (business), ‘société’ (company), ‘patron’ (boss), ‘client’ (client), ‘produit’ (product) and ‘service’ (service).
  • Learn important financial terms such as ‘salaire’ (salary), ‘impôts’ (taxes), ‘bénéfices’ (profits), and ‘dépenses’ (expenses).
  • Be able to discuss the business environment with terms like ‘concurrence’ (competition) and ‘marché’ (market).