Family and friends

Family and Friends

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Understand the importance of ‘silaturahmi’ or maintaining good relationships in the Malay culture.
  • Be aware of the typical titles and formal greetings used when addressing family members and friends in Malay.
  • Learn common expressions of gratitude, apologies, and courtesies in Malay and their use in casual conversation among friends and family.

Family Structures and Traditions

  • Familiarise with the concept of ‘keluarga besar’ or extended family, which is prevalent in the Malay community.
  • Recognise the respect given to the elderly and learn relevant vocabulary and phrases.
  • Understand the celebration of significant family events like weddings, naming ceremonies, and birthdays in Malay tradition.

Social Interactions and Activities

  • Be able to describe traditional games played among friends and families such as ‘congkak’, ‘wau’, and ‘sepak takraw’.
  • Explore the custom of ‘gotong-royong’, a community spirit embodied through collective activities in the neighbourhood.
  • Understand the cultural etiquette in social gatherings and home visits amongst the Malays.

Friends and Friendship

  • Understand how to express feelings and emotions in a friendship context using appropriate Malay vocabulary.
  • Explore the topic of peer pressure and societal influence, and how to converse about these subjects in Malay.
  • Familiarise with expressing support, empathy, and advice to a friend in Malay language.

Make sure to constantly apply and reinforce these learning points through practical exercises such as role-play conversations, essay writing or oral presentations in Malay.