Relationships with family and friends

Relationships with family and friends

Communications with Family and Friends

  • Conveying affection and care: Using expressions like ‘Saya sayang kamu’ (I love you), ‘Saya cinta padamu’ (I’m in love with you), and ‘Saya amat menghargai kamu’ (I appreciate you very much) to express affection to family and friends.
  • Expressing gratitude: Words like ‘terima kasih’ (thank you), and the phrase ‘Saya sangat berterima kasih atas bantuanmu’ (I am very grateful for your help) are commonly used.
  • Seeking advice or help: If you want to ask for advice or help, phrases such as ‘Awak boleh membantu saya?’ (Can you help me?), ‘Saya memerlukan nasihat’ (I need advice) will be useful.

Relationship Terms

  • General terms: For descriping relationships in general, you have ‘rakan’ (friend), ‘kawan karib’ (close friend), ‘sahabat’ (best friend), and ‘teman sekelas’ (classmate).
  • Family terms: Terms for more specific familial relations are ‘bapa saudara’ (uncle), ‘mama saudara’ (aunt), ‘nenek’ (grandma), ‘atok’ (grandfather), and ‘anak saudara’ (niece/nephew).

Issues and Disagreements

  • Expressing disagreement or conflict: Use phrases such as ‘Saya tidak setuju’ (I disagree), ‘Saya berasa marah’ (I feel angry), ‘Saya kecewa’ (I am disappointed).
  • Apologising: To express an apology, use ‘Maafkan saya’ (Forgive me) or ‘Saya minta maaf’ (I apologise).
  • Making up after a disagreement: For reconciliation, say something like ‘Kita boleh melupakan ini dan meneruskan hidup?’ (Can we forget this and move on?), or ‘Saya mahu kita baik-baik semula’ (I want us to be okay again).

Activities and Interests

  • Talking about shared activities: Phrases such as ‘Kita suka bermain bola sepak bersama’ (We like to play football together) or ‘Kita sering pergi ke bioskop bersama’ (We often go to the cinema together).
  • Expressing interest in a friend’s hobby: You can say ‘Saya berminat untuk mencuba…’ (I am interested in trying…) when you want to share your interest in their hobby. If you want to compliment their hobby, say ‘Saya kagum dengan…’ (I admire your…).
  • Invites and Plans: Share your plan with phrases like ‘Awak mahu bersama saya ke…’ (Do you want to come with me to…), ‘Saya telah merancang untuk…’ (I have planned to…).