Parties, festivals, and cultural celebrations

Parties, festivals, and cultural celebrations

Parties and Celebrations

  • Vocabulary for different types of parties and celebrations: Learn words such as ‘pesta’ (party), ‘sambutan’ (celebration), ‘majlis’ (ceremony), ‘kenduri’ (feast).

  • Common phrases used at parties: Familiarise yourself with phrases that are commonly used at parties like ‘Selamat menyambut…’ (Happy…), ‘Selamat maju jaya’ (Congratulations), ‘bersorak’ (cheer), ‘beramah mesra’ (mingle).

  • Understanding the concept of giving and receiving presents: Learn how to present and receive gifts, known as ‘hadiah’, and use phrases like ‘Ini hadiah untuk kamu’ (This is a gift for you), ‘Terima kasih untuk hadiahnya’ (Thank you for the gift).


  • Vocabulary for different types of festivals: Understand words such as ‘perayaan’ (celebration), ‘festival’, ‘karnival’ (carnival), ‘upacara’ (ceremony).

  • Familiarisation with major Malaysian festivals: Familiarise yourself with major festivals celebrated in Malaysia like ‘Hari Raya Aidilfitri’, ‘Hari Raya Haji’, ‘Deepavali’, ‘Thaipusam’, ‘Hari Gawai’, ‘Hari Wesak’, and ‘Hari Merdeka’.

  • Common festival greetings: Learn common festival greetings such as ‘Selamat Hari Raya’ (Happy Eid), ‘Selamat Deepavali’ (Happy Deepavali), ‘Selamat Hari Gawai’ (Happy Gawai Day), ‘Selamat Hari Merdeka’ (Happy Independence Day).

Cultural Celebrations

  • Understanding of traditional customs and practices: Develop understanding of customs and traditional practices such as ‘adat resam’, ‘pantang larang’ (taboos) linked to different celebrations.

  • Traditional attire and food: Know about traditional attire like ‘baju kurung’, ‘baju kebaya’, ‘baju Melayu’ and traditional food like ‘rendang’, ‘lemang’, ‘ketupat’ commonly seen during cultural celebrations.

  • Folk dances and games: Learn about traditional dances like ‘joget’, ‘zapin’, ‘inang’, and traditional games like ‘congkak’, ‘sepak raga’ associated with cultural celebrations.

Understanding the vocabulary and customs of these events can help enrich Malay conversation and engage with the richness and diversity of Malay culture.