Personal details, descriptions, and characteristics

Personal details, descriptions, and characteristics

Personal Details

  • Various ways of introducing oneself: For example, ‘Nama saya adalah…’ (My name is…), ‘Saya berasal dari…’ (I come from…), ‘Saya lahir pada…’ (I was born on…). Familiarise with different ways to introduce yourself in a conversation in Malay language.
  • Different familial relationships: Understand words for immediate family members, such as ‘ibu’ (mother), ‘ayah’ (father), ‘adik’ (younger sibling) ‘kakak’ (older sibling) and extended family like ‘sepupu’ (cousin).
  • Age and Birthdays: Learn the phrases to communicate age and birthdays. For example, ‘Umur saya adalah…’ (I am…years old), ‘Hari jadi saya pada…’ (My birthday is on…).
  • Address and places of residence: Know how to share your address or place of residence, using phrases such as ‘Alamat saya adalah…’ (My address is…), ‘Saya tinggal di…’ (I live in…).

Physical Descriptions

  • Descriptors for physical characteristics: Words such as ‘tinggi’ (tall), ‘pendek’ (short), ‘gemuk’ (fat), ‘kurus’ (thin), and various colours for descriptions of hair and eyes.
  • Body parts: Master the vocabulary for different body parts like ‘mata’ (eyes), ‘telinga’ (ears), ‘mulut’ (mouth), ‘tangan’ (hand), ‘kaki’ (leg), etc.
  • Clothing and accessories: Ensure familiarity with words for different types of clothing, such as ‘baju’ (shirt), ‘seluar’ (trousers), ‘selipar’ (slippers), as well as accessories like ‘cermin mata’ (glasses), ‘jam tangan’ (wristwatch).

Personal Characteristics/Traits

  • Personality traits: Understand vocabulary that describes personality traits like ‘baik hati’ (kind-hearted), ‘malu’ (shy), ‘peramah’ (friendly), ‘serius’ (serious).
  • Feelings and emotions: Master a wide array of words for various emotions, such as ‘gembira’ (happy), ‘sedih’ (sad), ‘marah’ (angry), ‘bimbang’ (worried).
  • Likes and dislikes: Learn to express preferences, likes and dislikes using ‘suka’ (like) and ‘tidak suka’ (don’t like).
  • Abilities and inabilities: To express capabilities, use ‘boleh’ (can) and for inabilities use ‘tidak boleh’ (cannot) along with the appropriate verb to describe the action.