Travel and transport

Travel and transport

Everyday Travel in Malaysia

  • Recognise the various modes of transportation in Malaysia, including kereta (car), bas (bus), teksi (taxi), and kereta api (train).
  • Understand the parts and features of these vehicles as well as the related terms such as roda (wheel), pintu (door), and setir (steering wheel).
  • Learn about different traffic signs and their significance in Malay such as berhenti (stop), had laju (speed limit), and tidak memotong (no overtaking).
  • Be familiar with the socially accepted norms and how to express them using appropriate language while asking for directions, thanking the driver, or apologising for a delay.

Public Transport in Malaysia

  • Gain insights into popular public transportation systems including LRT (Lembaga Urus Tanah), MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), and KTM (Keretapi Tanah Melayu).
  • Understand the usage of crucial verbal expressions and questions while using public transport, such as “Berapa kos tiket?” (How much is the ticket?) and “Boleh saya beli tiket ke Kuala Lumpur?” (Can I buy a ticket to Kuala Lumpur?).
  • Learn about ‘touch-n-go’ cards in Malaysia, a popular method of fare payment for public transport.

Non-mechanical Modes of Transport

  • Recognise non-mechanical modes of transport such as berjalan kaki (walking) or berbasikal (cycling).
  • Familiarise yourself with terms related to directions including belok kiri (turn left), belok kanan (turn right), and terus (go straight).
  • Understand the importance of pedestrian safety rules and signs such as lintasan pejalan kaki (pedestrian crossing) and lampu isyarat (traffic lights).

Travelling for Leisure

  • Learn about the most visited tourist destinations in Malaysia, and the ways to reach them.
  • Get acquainted with the vocabulary related to recreational and leisure travel such as pantai (beach), gunung (mountain), dan hutan (forest).
  • Learn about expressing experiences, preferences, and opinions in relation to travel activities like visiting a historical site, hiking, swimming, etc.

Remember, the repetition of these terms and phrases in real-life scenarios will enhance your understanding and fluency in the context of travel and transport in the Malay language.