Health and well-being

Health and well-being

Physical Health

  • Vocabulary related to physical health: Understand terms like ‘kesihatan fizikal’ (physical health), ‘sukan’ (sports), ‘senaman’ (exercise), ‘diet sihat’ (healthy diet), ‘berat badan’ (weight).

  • Common phrases about physical health: Learn common phrases like ‘Saya pergi ke gim setiap hari’ (I go to the gym every day), ‘Saya makan makanan yang sihat’ (I eat healthy food), ‘Saya mengelakkan makanan berlemak’ (I avoid fatty food), ‘Saya mengambil berat tentang kesihatan saya’ (I care about my health).

  • The importance of physical health: Understand the positive effects on mental and emotional wellbeing that come with maintaining good physical health, for instance ‘Olahraga boleh mengurangkan stres’ (Exercise can reduce stress).

Mental and Emotional Health

  • Vocabulary related to mental health: Learn words such as ‘kesihatan mental’ (mental health), ‘emosi’ (emotions), ‘stres’ (stress), ‘kebimbangan’ (anxiety), ‘depresi’ (depression).

  • Common phrases about mental health: Be familiar with phrases like ‘Saya merasa tertekan’ (I feel stressed), ‘Saya merasa gembira’ (I feel happy), ‘Suka duka kehidupan’ (Life’s ups and downs), ‘Menghadapi masalah’ (Facing problems).

  • Understanding the concept of well-being: Realise the importance of maintaining a balance in life with phrases such as ‘Saya meluangkan masa untuk diri saya’ (I take time for myself), ‘Saya berusaha untuk menjaga keseimbangan di dalam hidup saya’ (I try to maintain a balance in my life).

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

  • Vocabulary related to healthy lifestyle: Know words like ‘pilihan gaya hidup’ (lifestyle choices), ‘makanan organik’ (organic food), ‘tidur yang cukup’ (sufficient sleep), ‘tanpa rokok’ (smoke-free).

  • Common phrases about healthy lifestyle choices: Use phrases such as ‘Saya suka makan sayur-sayuran’ (I like eating vegetables), ‘Saya tidur lapan jam sehari’ (I sleep eight hours a day), ‘Saya tidak merokok’ (I do not smoke).

  • Effects of unhealthy choices: Understand the risks associated with poor lifestyle choices like smoking, not exercising, and an unhealthy diet. Use phrases like ‘Merokok boleh membawa kepada kanser’ (Smoking can lead to cancer), ‘Tidak bersenam boleh menyebabkan obesiti’ (Not exercising can lead to obesity).

Appreciating the vocabulary and principles within this topic could assist in improving your overall language understanding and ability to discuss personal health and wellbeing concerns in Malay.