Surface pattern and design

Surface pattern and design

Surface Pattern Design


  • Utilises repetition, rhythm, and sequence in design to create visual interest.
  • Can be organised in a variety of layouts including block, brick, drop, stripe, and diagonal.

Colour in Pattern Design

  • Colour can convey mood, express ideas, set tone, and create an impact.
  • Colour harmony, contrast, and value play a crucial role in the success of a pattern.
  • Patterns can be monochromatic, analogous, or complementary, depending on the colour schemes used.

Rotation, Reflection, Translation, and Scaling

  • Rotation moves a design around a fixed point.
  • Reflection mirrors an image across an axis.
  • Translation repeats a pattern by moving it along a grid.
  • Scaling enlarges or reduces proportion of elements in a pattern.

Pattern Techniques

  • Experimentation in design ideas could involve traditional methods such as sketching, digitised work using computers and design software, or a hybrid approach that blends both.
  • Many surface patterns begin as hand-drawn motifs, which are then digitised and manipulated on software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.

Printing Techniques

Block Printing

  • A technique that involves carving a design into a block, applying ink, and stamping it onto a fabric.
  • Techniques like relief or intaglio can create different effects.

Screen Printing

  • Creates a print by pressing ink through a prepared screen of fine material to create a design.
  • Each colour requires a separate screen.

Digital Printing

  • Allows for increased flexibility, precision, and reduced waste.
  • Excellent for multi-colour, photo realistic images and intricate patterns.

Textile Finishing Techniques


  • Adds texture and detail to surfaces using stitches made with thread or yarn.
  • Machine embroidery can increase speed and precision, but can reduce the uniqueness of each piece.

Beading and Sequinning

  • Adds shine, texture and decorative elements.
  • Technically demanding and requires patience and dexterity.


  • Decorative technique where smaller fabric pieces are sewn onto a larger background fabric.
  • Allows for the creation of images, patterns and scenes.

Applications of Surface Pattern Design

  • Application fields include wallpaper, Fabrics, carpeting, ceramic tiles, apparel, etc.
  • Effective design considers the function and aesthetics of the end product, as well as the materials and manufacturing processes to be used.