Constansts and Variable

Constansts and Variable

Constants and Variables


  • A constant is a value that cannot change once it is assigned.
  • A variable is a symbolic name associated with a value that can be changed during the program execution.


  • Constants are often declared and defined in programs as it makes the code more readable and maintainable.
  • They are defined by using keywords like “const” in languages like Java and C++, while Python uses all uppercase letters to indicate a variable is acting as a constant, like PI = 3.14159.
  • Try to give constants meaningful names to increase code readability, and make sure to keep them consistent throughout your code.


  • Variables are used to store data, and their values can be changed as needed during program’s execution.
  • Variables can store a variety of data types, including integers (int), strings (str), floating point numbers (float), etc.
  • Variables must be declared before they are used, and in many languages they must also be assigned a data type when they are declared. For example, in Java you might declare a variable with the line “int sum;”.
  • The value of a variable can be altered quite freely within its scope, using assignment operators like “=”.
  • Variables should be named in a way that describes the data they will store. This makes a program easier to understand and debug.


  • Both constants and variables are essential aspects in programming. Together, they provide flexibility to store, manipulate, and manage data efficiently. Understanding their properties and effective usage will help you write cleaner, more efficient code.