Question 2: Response Guidance

Mark Scheme

It is important that you understand the mark scheme, because this is what teachers are looking at to judge your work. I want you to focus on how you can get the top marks for each question.

Level 4 (16-20 marks): Perceptive, Detailed Evaluation

-Critically explores the effects of writer’s deliberate choices

-Identification and understanding of a range ofmethods

-Selects judicious textual detail

-Convincing and critical response to the statement posed.

Lower down the mark scheme:

Level 3 –Clear, Relevant Evaluation

Level 2 – Some Evaluation

Level 1 – Simple, Limited Comment

Writing Frame

Different schools use different writing frames to guide responses.

Some classics are:

  1. P.E.E. (Point, Evidence, Explain) or P.E.A. (Point, Evidence, Analysis); these two are the same thing by different names
  2. P.E.E.L (Point, Evidence, Explain, Link back to the question)
  3. P.E.A.C.E. (Point, Evidence, Analysis, Cross-reference, Effects)

It is best if you are a free spirit in your writing and move through your analysis as you desire. Those who are awarded the best marks are not restricted by sticking to the acronyms mentioned above.

The diagram is similar to Q2 on Paper 1 except this time you have to compare two texts:

Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 1

Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 2Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 3Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 4

Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 5

Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 6Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 7Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 8

Question 2: Response Guidance, figure 9

Formulate Response


First you need to understand the question! What key ideas and themes are found in both texts? Aim to be perceptive and seek out ideas that aren’t just surface-level comparisons.

For example, Both Source A and B focus attention on the idea of…

Source A

Make clear and succinct statements that directly answer the question.


Select judicious evidence that supports your statement. Do not limit yourself to one lengthy quote, embed several key words and phrases that you can use in your response.


Brief comments should be made to explain why these chosen quotes support the question and the comparison.

You should then process (Source B, Quote(s), Inference(s)):

Concluding Statement

Make a final judgement about your findings from the comparison of Source A and Source B.

What is the top mark for this question?
Your answer should include: 8 / Eight
What AO3 skill must you do in this question?
What could you look to compare in the text?
Your answer should include: Themes / Ideas