Word Level

Word Choices

Words the foundation of your writing. Like building blocks, you need to select the right words at the right time to produce a purposeful and solid structure.

Word Level, figure 1

Take your reader on a journey through use of your word choices. Make deliberate selections that are thought-provoking and rich in meaning. Such choices should intend to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Stimulate their senses such as, sight, sound, touch, taste and scent. Aim for the reader to feel so immersed in your world that the words feel tangible.

Familiarise yourself with the main word classes:


Person, Tom

Thing, house

Abstract - state or emotion that you cannot physically touch, anger


Action, climb

Event, raining

Situation, be, have


Describes the noun, luxurious, red, messy


Gives more information about a verb or adjective, nearly, quickly


__Personal __- Used in place of a noun, often to avoid repetition,

__Subjective __- Acts as subjects of the verbs, I, you, we, he, she, it, they

__Objective __- Acts as the objects of verbs and prepositions, me, you, us, him, her, it, them

__Possessive __- Refer to something that is owned, mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs

__Reflexive __- Referring back to the subject of the clause, myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves


Show the relationship between the noun and pronoun. Often explaining where something is, above, before, in, under, with

Conjunction (connective)

Connect clauses, phrases and sentences

Co-ordinating conjunctions, For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (In English grammar there are only seven and you do not place a comma before them!)

Sub-ordinating conjunctions, Whilst, After, Although, Because, Since (In English grammar there many and you must place a comma either directly before them or within the clause!)


Introduces the noun, a/an, the, this, those


Word or phrase that conveys a strong emotion and often followed by an exclamation mark

Connectives & Comparative Phrases

Sometimes writers get stuck in a rut of beginning their sentences with the same types of words. Soon this becomes very boring to read. Add vibrancy to your writing by using a range of interesting words and phrases.

Here is a rubric that has some useful prompts:

__Next __ On the Other Hand Whereas

But Although Rather

Later Therefore Moreover

What type of words should you select?
Your answer should include: Thought-Provoking / Stimulating / Rich
Which type of words give more information about verbs and adjectives?
How can you add vibrancy to your sentences?
Your answer should include: Varied / Openers / Different / Words