Communication: Using Emerging Technologies

Communication: Using Emerging Technologies

Understanding Emerging Technologies

  • Emerging technologies are advanced innovations that are still in their developmental stage, but are expected to have a significant impact on business or society.
  • Common examples include cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, and more.
  • By integrating these technologies, businesses can increase efficiency, automate tasks, and introduce new opportunities.

Using Cloud-Based Applications

  • Cloud-based applications are software programmes that are hosted in the cloud and accessed via the internet.
  • They can be used on any device that has internet connection, making them accessible and convenient.
  • Many are designed for ease of collaboration, sharing and storage, such as Google Docs or Dropbox.

Implementing Big Data

  • Big data refers to the handling and analysis of large, complex datasets through innovative measures.
  • It enables organisations to gain insights and make informed decisions based on patterns, trends, and associations.
  • Tools like Hadoop or Spark are often employed to manage and process these large data sets.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables machines or software to mimic human intelligence, performing tasks that normally require human intelligence.
  • It is used in chatbots, voice assistants, recommendation systems and more.
  • Proper utilisation can lead to automating repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and accuracy.

Understanding Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Virtual Reality (VR) is an artificial environment experienced through sensory stimuli, typically using a headset, whilst Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital information onto the real world.
  • Used in training programs, product demos, and entertainment settings for interactive and immersive experiences.
  • Tools used include VR headsets like Oculus Rift and AR apps like Pokemon Go.

Blockchains in Communication

  • A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that maintains a list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography.
  • It offers transparency, security, and decentralisation, as each participant has access to the entire database and its complete history.
  • Common applications include cryptocurrency transactions, encrypted messaging applications, and transparent supply chain tracking.

Remember, understanding and use of emerging technologies can facilitate better communication, increase efficiency, and provide a competitive edge. These technologies also require thoughtful implementation considering the specific needs, resources, and capacity of an organisation.