Social and Global Issues
Social and Global Issues
Social and Global Vocabulary
- البيئة: refers to the ‘environment.’ It’s a central topic in global issues.
- الفقر: is the term for ‘poverty.’ An ongoing social and global concern.
- التلوث: translates as ‘pollution.’ A significant global issue especially in urban areas.
- الحروب: meaning ‘wars.’ A deeply unfortunate reality in parts of the world.
- التمييز العنصري: refers to ‘racial discrimination.’ Still a pervasive social issue worldwide.
- الجوع: meaning ‘hunger.’ A tragedy millions face daily around the globe.
Adjectives for Describing Issues
- كبير/كبيرة: means ‘big’ or ‘large.’ Useful for emphasizing the scale of an issue.
- صغير/صغيرة: is ‘small.’ Can be used for comparing and contrasting issues.
- معقد/معقدة: refers to ‘complex.’ Highlights the multifaceted nature of certain problems.
- مستمر/مستمرة: translates as ‘ongoing.’ Describes issues that are unfortunately persisting.
- متزايد/متزايدة: meaning ‘increasing.’ Conveys concerns that are growing in severity.
Expressing Opinions about Issues
- اعتقد أن: means ‘I believe that.’ A starting phrase for expressing personal views.
- إنه مؤلم أن: refers to ‘it’s painful that.’ Use to express empathy and sadness about an issue.
- إنه مرعب آن: ‘it is terrifying that.’ Can be used to share fears related to a social or global concern.
- يجب أن نحارب: translates as ‘we should fight.’ Perfect for sharing resolutions and calling for action.
Remember that expanding vocabulary related to social and global issues is important. So, continuous exposure to such words, phrases, and related Arabic texts should become a part of your revision strategy. Translate these to English to better understand their meaning, and make note of them for repeated learning. Discussing and writing about different social and global issues using this vocabulary will also strengthen your command of the Arabic language.