Social and Global Issues

Section 1: Vocabulary related to Social and Global Issues

  • Learn to identify and use key Arabic terminology associated with social issues: المشكلات الاجتماعية (social problems), البطالة (unemployment), الفقر (poverty), التعليم (education).
  • Familiarise with the vocabulary related to global issues: التغير المناخي (climate change), الحروب (wars), الجوع العالمي (global hunger), اللاجئين (refugees).
  • Discover expressions associated with human rights and justice: حقوق الإنسان (human rights), العدالة (justice), التمييز (discrimination), العنف (violence).

Section 2: Discussing Social and Global Issues

  • Express opinions and share thoughts on social problems using phrases like: أعتقد أن… (I believe that…), من وجهة نظري… (from my perspective…), يجب أن… (it should be…).
  • Analyse global issues using key expressions such as: يشكل خطراً على… (it poses a risk to…), يساهم في… (it contributes to…), يؤثر على… (it affects…).
  • Talk about potential solutions and suggest improvements using phrases like: الحل الممكن هو… (the possible solution is…), يمكن تحسين الوضع عن طريق… (the situation can be improved by…).

Section 3: Personal Experiences related to Social and Global Issues

  • Share personal experiences relating to social or global issues using past tense verbs like: عانيت (I suffered), شهدت (I witnessed), اهتممت (I was concerned about).
  • Discuss how certain global or social issues impacted your life or surroundings using phrases like: فقد أثر هذا على… (this has affected…), سبب ذلك… (this caused…), زادت هذه المشكلة من… (this problem increased…).
  • Express hopes and fears related to social or global issues using expressions such as: أتمنى (I hope), أخشى (I fear), أتوقع (I expect).

Section 4: Advocacy and Action in Social and Global Issues

  • Discuss the impact of advocacy efforts on different social issues: التوعية (awareness), تحسين (improvement), التغيير (change).
  • Use the correct verbs to describe actions taken, like: عملت (I worked), ساهمت (I contributed), نظمت (I organised).
  • Discuss potential forms of action to be taken on global issues, using words like: التبرع (donation), التطوع (volunteering), الحملات التوعوية (awareness campaigns).

Section 5: Complex Sentences related to Social and Global Issues

  • Practice forming complex sentences about social and global issues using conjunctions and advanced grammatical structures.
  • Use rich and varied descriptive language when discussing these issues to illustrate different perspectives and viewpoints.
  • Develop your ability to ask complex questions related to social and global issues, and craft detailed responses to demonstrate your understanding and stance.

Revisit these key sections regularly in preparing for your writing tasks. Writing regularly in Arabic will help cement this vocabulary and improve your language structure and fluency.