Social and Global Issues

Social and Global Issues

Environmental Issues

  • Develop an understanding of key terms such as environment (البيئة), pollution (التلوث), climate change (تغير المناخ), recycling (إعادة التدوير), conservation (الحفاظ على البيئة), and renewable energy (الطاقة المتجددة).

  • Get ready to debate on environmental issues like “The main environmental problem today is global warming” (المشكلة البيئية الرئيسية اليوم هي الاحتباس الحراري).

  • Tackle questions about personal actions towards environment, for example “I recycle paper and plastic to decrease pollution” (أنا أعيد تدوير الورق والبلاستيك للحد من التلوث).

Social Issues

  • Enrich your sociolinguistic competence by learning phrases like poverty (الفقر), unemployment (البطالة), education (التعليم), discrimination (التمييز), and crime (الجريمة).

  • Practice speaking about causes and implications of social problems. For instance “Unemployment causes stress and can lead to other social problems” (البطالة تسبب الإجهاد وقد تؤدي إلى مشكلات اجتماعية أخرى).

  • Gain ability to suggest solutions, such as “Better education can help reduce poverty” (التعليم الأفضل قد يساعد في الحد من الفقر).

Global Issues

  • Acquire a solid vocabulary about global challenges like terrorism (الإرهاب), refugees (اللاجئين), war (الحرب), and pandemic (الجائحة).

  • Be ready to discuss global trends, for example “The world is becoming more interconnected due to technology” (العالم يصبح أكثر ترابطاً بسبب التكنولوجيا).

  • Master responding to inquiries, such as what you would do to tackle a certain global issue.

Remember to practice speaking about these issues in Arabic, ensuring to use a variety of complex sentences and rich vocabulary. Reflecting on different perspectives will help achieve fluency and coherence in your arguments.