Applying Principles of Training to Personal Exercise and Training Programmes

Applying Principles of Training to Personal Exercise and Training Programmes

  • The principles of training are basic guidelines that should be followed to improve fitness and performance in any form of physical training. These principles are specificity, overload, progression, reversibility, and tedium (SOPRT).

  • Specificity: This principle involves training specific areas of the body for the specific demands of your sport or physical activity. For example, a sprinter would focus on their leg strength and speed.

  • Overload: This is the increasing of physical demands on the body to improve fitness. After a while, your body gets used to certain workout intensity. By pushing or ‘overloading’ your body slightly beyond its regular limit, you can boost your performance exponentially.

  • Progression: According to this principle, the intensity of a workout should be increased gradually as the body adapts to the current level of exercise. This ensures that fitness gains continue over time.

  • Reversibility: This principle states that gains in fitness and skill are lost when demands on the body are decreased. This is often referred to as ‘use it or lose it’.

  • Tedium: This refers to ensuring that training and workout routines are varied to prevent boredom and to maintain motivation.

  • When developing a personal training programme, these principles should be applied holistically. This requires setting clear objectives, conducting an initial assessment of fitness levels, deciding which types of exercises will help achieve the goals, and then organizing these into a structured plan.

  • Regular monitoring and adapting the programme based on progress is also key to success. This includes periodically increasing the intensity, frequency or duration of exercises (progression and overload), while ensuring techniques and types of exercise change regularly to prevent boredom (tedium).

  • Rest and recovery is vital within any programme to avoid injuries and allow the body to recuperate. This also includes maintaining good nutrition and hydration levels.

  • Understanding and applying the principles of training effectively requires a degree of self-awareness. By paying close attention to the body’s responses to different types of training, one can optimize their programmes and prevent injuries.

  • Finally, always remember that while it’s crucial to push oneself to improve and achieve fitness goals, it’s equally important to maintain a healthy balance and listen to the body’s signals. It’s okay to take rest days when needed and to adjust the training plan based on what feels right for you.