Diet and Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition

  • Understand the concept of diet and nutrition. Diet refers to the type and range of food that is consumed while nutrition is the process by which the body obtains and utilises these foods.

  • Differentiate between the six major types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

  • Identify the functions of each nutrient. Carbohydrates provide energy, proteins are vital for growth and repair, fats provide insulation and protect organs, vitamins and minerals help regulate bodily functions, and water aids in digestion, nutrient transport and body temperature regulation.

  • Recognize the concept of a ‘balanced diet’. A balanced diet contains the proper proportions of each nutrient group based on individual needs (age, gender, physical activity level etc.)

  • Appreciate the importance of fibre in the diet, which aids digestion and helps prevent certain diseases.

  • Learn about the effects of malnutrition. Malnutrition is not just about not having enough to eat, but also eating too much or consuming the wrong types of food. It can lead to conditions like obesity, anaemia, or rickets.

  • Understand the nutritional needs of athletes. Athletes, especially those involved in endurance sports, require more protein and carbohydrates than non-athletes.

  • Know the importance of hydration. Hydration is crucial as it affects blood volume, body temperature regulation, and muscle function. Inadequate hydration can lead to poor performance and dehydration.

  • Recognize the detrimental effects of poor diet. Poor diet can contribute to a number of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and poor bone health.

  • Understand the implications of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder on physical health and performance.

  • Be aware of how food labels can be used to make healthy food choices, understanding information like calorie content, nutrient breakdown, and serving size.

  • Learn about the concept of ‘energy balance’. Energy balance refers to the relationship between the energy taken in (from food) and the energy expended (through physical activity and basic metabolic processes).

  • Understand how poor diets can contribute to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and lack of focus.