Gaining hands-on experience through volunteering or internships

Gaining Hands-on Experience Through Volunteering or Internships

Understanding Volunteering and Internships:

  • Volunteering refers to offering your time, skills, and efforts to an organisation or community free of charge.

  • An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organisation, often for a certain period, to allow individuals gain practical experience in a particular field.

  • Both can provide valuable experience and could be particularly beneficial in carving out your sports job career path.

Benefits of Volunteering and Internships

  • Developing Skills: Volunteering or internships in the sporting sector can help you develop crucial soft and hard skills. These skills include teamworking, leadership, communication, problem-solving, coaching techniques, and a specialist understanding of sports rules and regulations.

  • Industry Knowledge: Hands-on experience can provide you with an in-depth understanding of the sports industry, how it operates, and the different roles available in this sector.

  • Professional Networking: Engaging in volunteering or internships can help you establish a professional network by connecting with both professionals and other aspiring individuals in the sports industry.

  • Reference Opportunities: Performing well in a sports-related volunteering or internship can lead to positive references from your supervisors. These references can then be used when applying for paid roles.

Maximising your Volunteering or Internship Experience

  • Proactiveness: Be active in seeking out opportunities. Don’t just wait for tasks to come to you.

  • Feedback: Seek feedback on your performance from supervisors or colleagues for continuous improvement.

  • Reflective Journal: Keep a reflective journal through your volunteering or internship period. Document your experiences, challenges, improvements, and what you have learned.

  • Networking: make use of your chance to build your network. Attend events, engage with colleagues, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Remember, volunteering or internships might not be paid but they can be invaluable stepping stones towards your career in the sports industry. They present an opportunity to enhance your portfolio, demonstrate your commitment and provide you with relevant experience to stand out in future job applications.