Introduction to the principles of training

Introduction to the principles of training

Principles of Training

  • The principles of training are critical guidelines that should be kept in mind when designing and carrying out a fitness programme.


  • The principle of specificity postulates that training must be relevant and appropriate for the sport or desired fitness result.
  • It is about selecting exercise types that improve the particular areas of physical fitness that are most needed.


  • The principle of overload implies that to increase physical fitness, the body must exercise beyond its comfort zone.
  • This can be achieved through increasing frequency (how often you exercise), intensity (how hard you exercise), and time or duration (how long you exercise).


  • The principle of progression suggests that intensity and/or duration of exercise should gradually increase to continuously challenge the body.
  • This principle should be applied with care, as progressing too quickly can lead to injury.


  • The principle of reversibility indicates that fitness improvements are lost when one stops exercising or reduces their exercise routine’s intensity or duration.
  • To prevent reversibility, maintaining a regular and consistent exercise schedule is crucial.


  • The principle of variance emphasises the importance of regularly changing up your workout routine to avoid boredom and prevent plateauing in performance.
  • This can be done by altering the type of exercise, the duration, intensity, or even the time of day the exercise is performed.

Rest and Recovery

  • The principles of rest and recovery are essential for minimising the risk of injury and allowing the body to adapt to the training load.
  • Good rest and recovery also prevent overtraining and burnout.

Understanding and applying these principles when planning a fitness programme can significantly enhance the likelihood of achieving your fitness goals. They guide the design and adjustment of any training regimen, keeping it safe and effective.