Preparing a portfolio for a sports job application

Preparing a portfolio for a sports job application

Understanding a Portfolio

  • A portfolio is a collection of work that showcases your skills, qualifications, education, training, and experiences.

  • It presents evidence of your abilities and illustrates your commitment to your career in sports.

  • A well-prepared portfolio can set you apart from other candidates in a job application process.

Content of a Sports Job Application Portfolio

  • CV and Cover Letter: Always include an up-to-date CV and a crafted cover letter demonstrating your interest in the position and why you would be a good fit.

  • Qualifications: Attach copies of your certificates and qualifications. These might include coaching qualifications, fitness training certifications, first aid qualifications or any other credentials relevant to the position.

  • References: Always ensure you include references from people who can confirm your skills and professional abilities. This could be a coach, a tutor or even a manager if you have previously held a job.

  • Work examples: This can include copies of session plans if you’re applying for a coaching job, videos of your training sessions, articles you’ve written if you’re interested in sports journalism, or direct feedback from clients or athletes you’ve worked with.

  • Reflective Journal: Maintaining a journal of your experiences can be a powerful addition. You can reflect on training you’ve undertaken, explain what you’ve learned, how you’ve implemented it and its success.

Presentation of the Portfolio

  • Professional Look: Keep your portfolio neat, organised, and professional. Use a binder or a digital platform to keep your documents in order.

  • Up to Date: Always keep the portfolio current. Include recent certificates, training, and experiences relevant to the job.

  • Personalise: Your portfolio should not only demonstrate your professional competencies. It should also reflect your personality and individual approach to work.

Remember, a portfolio is more than a mere requirement; it’s a tool that can significantly elevate your sports job application. Tailor it to the job you’re applying to, highlighting the skills, experiences, and qualifications that make you the best fit for the role.