Reflecting on and evaluating own performance as a leader

Reflecting on and evaluating own performance as a leader

Reflecting on Own Performance as a Leader

  • Self-reflection is key to improving as a leader, as it helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Reflecting on your communication skills, including clarity of instructions and ability to build rapport, is important.
  • Consider how you established and maintained safety within the activity session.
  • Reflect on your planning skills and how effectively you scheduled activities.
  • Think about your decision-making during the session, such as responses to unexpected challenges.
  • Assess whether or not you promoted fair play and how you handled any disputes that arose.

Evaluating Own Performance as a Leader

  • Evaluating your performance should include feedback from participants and co-leaders, which can provide valuable insight.
  • Measures of the group’s achievement of session goals can help evaluate your effectiveness as a leader.
  • Look at respect levels within the group to determine your ability to inspire trust and engagement.
  • Analyse your performance under pressure, including how you handled difficult situations or unexpected setbacks.
  • Evaluating participant motivation levels can help you understand your ability to engage and inspire the group.
  • Consideration of ongoing personal improvement, including what steps you can take to become a more effective leader, is an important part of the evaluation.