Reflecting on personal interests and skills for a future career

Reflecting on personal interests and skills for a future career


  • Start by deeply considering individual likes and dislikes. These might relate to active participation, spectating, or both.

  • Think about favourite sports and physical activities, along with the reasons they are enjoyable.

  • Investigate personal values and motivations. Are helping others, pursuing achievements or socialising with friends driving factors?

  • Consider interest in sports-related areas, such as nutrition, fitness, coaching, rehabilitation or sports psychology.


  • Reflect on physical abilities and fitness levels, thinking about how these can be a platform for specific roles.

  • Recognise communication abilities, which could be vital in roles such as coaching or sports journalism.

  • Value any leadership skills or experiences. These could transfer well to managing teams or guiding individuals.

  • Appreciate skills in problem-solving, decision-making and working under pressure. These skills are useful in practically all sports-related roles.


  • With a clear picture of personal interests and skills, begin exploring relevant careers and job roles.

  • Consider how personal attributes align with job requirements. Match abilities to job roles to find the perfect fit.

  • Do enough research to understand the everyday realities of prospective jobs. Speak to professionals in that field if possible.

  • Finally, make an action plan for reaching career goals. This might involve acquiring additional qualifications, gaining relevant experience or improving certain skills.

Remember, it’s essential to maintain an open mind and flexibility when navigating career paths in sports.