Review and Reflect on the Effectiveness of the Performance

Review and Reflect on the Effectiveness of the Performance


Reviewing the Performance

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in your performance by watching playback or listening to a recording.
  • Pay attention to technical accuracy such as notes, rhythm, and dynamics.
  • Assess your musicality, including phrasing, expressive control, and your connection to the music.
  • Consider how well you performed as part of the ensemble, focussing on aspects like synchronisation, collaboration, and how well you blended with the rest of the group.

Reflection Through Feedback

  • Seek external feedback by asking for input from your directors, peers, or even audience members.
  • Learn to accept constructive criticism gracefully and use it for your musical growth.
  • Take note of consistent feedback, if multiple people are making the same suggestions, it may indicate a strong area for improvement.
  • Strive for balance in feedback, remember to also recognise what you did well.

Implementing Improvements

Making a Plan

  • Use your self-assessment and external feedback to create a plan for improvement.
  • Identify target areas for development, prioritising the aspects that will have the biggest impact on your performance.
  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for each target area.

Practice and Progress

  • Allocate ample practice time to work on your areas for improvement.
  • Use a variety of practice techniques, such as slow practice, mental practice, and isolated practice on difficult sections.
  • Constantly monitor your progress and adjust your plan if necessary, based on your rate of improvement.

Remember, the goal of review and reflection is not to be overly critical or negative about your performance. Instead, it’s about recognising areas for improvement and making a structured plan to address them. It’s a key part of your journey to becoming a better musician and ensemble member.