Project Planning

Project Planning in Music Industry Professional Practice

Purpose and Objectives

  • Define clear and realistic objectives for your music project: what outcomes do you want to achieve?
  • Understand the purpose of your project: are you creating an album, organising a tour, or developing a marketing campaign?
  • Prioritise your objectives: some may be more important or urgent than others.

Planning Process

  • Break down the project into manageable parts: identify all the tasks that need to be completed.
  • Create a timeframe for each task: be realistic about how long things will take.
  • Identify dependencies: some tasks can’t start until others are finished.
  • Understand the resources you have to work with: this could include people, equipment, money, and time.
  • Consider potential challenges and how you will overcome them: it’s better to be prepared for difficulties.


  • Identify your key stakeholders: who has an interest in the success of your project?
  • Understand what your stakeholders need and expect: this might include good communication, regular updates, or a specific outcome.
  • Keep your stakeholders engaged: establish regular communication channels to keep them informed and involved.

Monitoring and Reviewing

  • Monitor progress against your plan: are you on track to achieve your objectives on time?
  • Regularly review your plan: as conditions change, you may need to adjust your plan.
  • Act on feedback from stakeholders: this will help you improve your project delivery.
  • Evaluate the success of your project: did you achieve your objectives? What would you do differently next time?

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Understand the laws that apply to your project: this could include copyright and contract law.
  • Ensure your project is ethically sound: consider the impact on your community, environment, and the people involved.