Application of Chordal Harmony

Application of Chordal Harmony

Understanding Chordal Harmony

  • Chordal Harmony refers to the simultaneous sounding of three or more different pitches, creating a chord.
  • A chord’s harmonic function is its role within a musical key. In traditional harmony, these functions are based on the relationship of the chord to the tonic or root note of the key.
  • There are three basic harmonic functions: Tonic, Dominant and Subdominant. Each has its unique characteristics and tendencies.
  • The Tonic function refers to the home or resting point of a key, and it’s usually the first and last chord in a song or piece.
  • The Dominant function is the tension that seeks to resolve to the tonic, often seen as the fifth note of the scale.
  • The Subdominant function is a place of neutrality that can lead either to the tonic or the dominant.

Use of Chord Extensions

  • Beyond basic triads, chords can be extended with additional notes like 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, and 13ths, adding layers of harmonic complexity.
  • The Major 7th chord gives a jazzy and sophisticated sound. Its formula is Root, 3rd, 5th, 7th of a major scale.
  • The Dominant 7th chord is often used in blues and rock. Its formula is Root, 3rd, 5th, b7th of a major scale.
  • The Minor 7th chord is used for adding some sorrow or darkness to the music. Its formula is Root, b3rd, 5th, b7th of a major scale.

Application of Chordal Harmony in Different Music Genres

  • Different music genres have their own favoured chordal formulas. Understanding these styles can enhance your songwriting skills and improvisation abilities.
  • In Pop and Rock, simple major and minor triads are often used, frequently combined with dominant 7ths for added colour.
  • Classical music is strongly grounded in harmonic functions, with intricate chord progressions making use of many chord types including diminished and augmented triads.
  • Chord cycles or consistent repeating progressions are common in Jazz, often with complex extended and altered chords.
  • Understanding harmonic functions and chord extensions provides a powerful tool for creating unique and interesting harmonies in composition and improvisation.

Remember, the application of chordal harmony is about creating a satisfying balance of tension and resolution to drive your music forward.