Review and Reflect on the Effectiveness of the Process
Review and Reflect on the Effectiveness of the Process
The Process of Review and Reflection in Ensemble Performance
Importance of Review and Reflection
- Review and reflection is an integral part of the development of any performer. Ensuring growth and improvement should be at the heart of one’s musical journey.
- It also nurtures a deep understanding of your strengths, abilities, and areas of improvement, all vital for a career in ensemble performance.
The Review Process
- Self-review: Analyse your performance critically. Examine if the desired tone, rhythm, expression were achieved.
- Encourage peer reviews: Fellow ensemble members can provide valuable insights into your performance.
- Feedback from experts: Coaches, mentors, or event audience can offer third-party views on your performance which can be eye-opening.
Tips for Effective Reflection
- Use video or audio recordings to analyse your performance independently.
- Break a performance into smaller parts for more detailed analysis e.g., focus separately on pitch, timing, dynamics.
- Note down observations, even minor ones. Documentation assists in noticing patterns and growth over time.
- Highlight positives as well as areas requiring development. It’s essential to recognise what is working well to ensure it’s continued.
Implementing Changes Based on Review
- Focus primarily on enhancing strengths and managing weaknesses identified during the review process.
- Experiment with different techniques to address any difficulties. Trial and error often pave the way to solutions.
- Be consistent in practising new techniques and incorporate them into your usual routine to ensure lasting improvement.
Remember, the aim of reflection is realising and acknowledging your performance level, identifying ways for improvements, and making consistent efforts to reach your identified goals. Perfection isn’t the goal, but continuous growth and development are. The more you incorporate reflection into your process, the more your musicianship will benefit.