Choice of material

Choice of Material

Appropriateness for Audience

  • Demographics: Consider the age, social background, and tastes of your expected audience. Selecting a song that resonates with them can draw them into your performance more deeply.
  • Event Context: Understand the occasion or function you’re playing for. Is it a formal concert, a casual gathering, or for an exam? Different events call for different repertoire choices.

Technical Skill Display

  • Level of Difficulty: Balance showcasing your talent with your actual ability. Choosing an overly complex piece can lead to performance errors, but opting for an overly simple piece may not sufficiently demonstrate your skills.
  • Technical Requirements: Align the piece with the technical skills you are best at. If your strength is improvisation, select a piece that allows for this.

Artistic Affinity

  • Personal Taste: The music you perform should resonate with you as an individual. If you love the song, it is likely you will play it with more passion, authenticity, and interest.
  • Stylistic Alignment: Ensure the style of the piece matches the intended performance style. Your delivery will be more congruent if you are well-versed and comfortable within the genre of your chosen material.

Performance Preparation

  • Availability of Resources: Be sure that you have access to all necessary resources to perform the piece effectively. This may include sheet music, backing tracks, or specific instruments.
  • Rehearsal Time: Assess the amount of practice time you’ll need to perform the piece with confidence. Do you have enough time to master it before your performance?
  • Auditioning Pieces: Attempt a dry run of several different pieces to determine which showcases your abilities best. Take into account your performance comfort and the piece’s audience impact in your final decision.