Using Tasks/To-Do Lists and Reminders

Using Tasks/To-Do Lists and Reminders

Using Tasks/To-Do Lists

  • Begin by understanding the purpose of a task list, which is primarily to organise and prioritise tasks that need to be completed.
  • Always create your task list in a systematic way, starting with identifying the tasks to be done.
  • Prioritise the tasks based on their urgency and importance.
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks where applicable. This strategy can make complex tasks seem less daunting and more approachable.
  • Tasks lists can be created for different time periods, such as daily, weekly or even monthly, depending on your requirement.
  • Tools like Google Tasks, Microsoft To-Do, and Evernote can be used to digitalise task lists and make them accessible across different devices.
  • Regularly monitor and update the task list as tasks are completed or as new tasks emerge.

Effective Use of Reminders

  • Understand that reminders serve to notify or alert you about significant tasks or events.
  • Set reminders for tasks that have a specific deadline or for time-bound tasks where punctuality is crucial.
  • Use digital tools like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or mobile apps to set reminders. They often offer features like pop-up notifications or alerts, which can help in timely completion of tasks.
  • Set reminders a little ahead of time. This cushion period allows for unforeseen delays or emergencies.
  • Always specify details in reminders, like what the task involves and why it’s important. This will provide context when the reminder alerts.
  • Regularly review and update reminders as tasks or events change or are completed.