Computational Thinking: Thinking Logically

Computational Thinking: Thinking Logically

  • Computational thinking is an essential skill for solving problems, creating algorithms, and understanding how computers work. It involves approaching problems in a systematic way, using techniques like abstraction, decomposition, generalisation, and algorithmic thinking.

  • Logical thinking is a key part of computational thinking. This relies on the use of logic to solve problems and create algorithms. It involves making step-by-step procedures, setting conditions, and making decisions based on whether those conditions have been met.

  • In computational thinking, logic can be used in decision-making through the use of conditional statements. This includes the use of IF…ELSE statements, and the use of logical operators such as AND, OR and NOT to combine or invert conditions.

  • Boolean logic is another part of logical thinking. This discards the idea of ‘maybe’ and ‘sometimes’, dealing with absolute values of true and false only. Boolean variables can only represent these two states, and are used in decision making in programming.

  • Logical operators are key tools in programming languages. They include AND (which returns true if both operands are true), OR (which returns true if at least one operand is true), NOT (which inverts the value of a Boolean), and XOR (which returns true if exactly one operand is true).

  • Truth tables can be used to illustrate the possible outcomes of combinations of true and false values for a set of conditions. They are a useful tool for analysing and creating logical expressions.

  • Understanding flow control structures and logic gates also contributes to logical thinking in computational thinking. They demonstrate how different decisions or actions can be taken in accordance to various conditions in a programme.

  • Predicting the outcome of algorithms using logical thinking is also an important aspect of computational thinking. This involves simulating the instructions in an algorithm to predict its behaviour and output.

  • Sequencing, selection, and iteration are control structures used in algorithms and programming languages. Sequencing refers to executing instructions in order, Selection refers to making choices based on certain conditions, and Iteration refers to repeating certain tasks.

  • Error checking and validation are also part of logical thinking, where anticipated problems or errors in data are tested and handled appropriately. This is crucial in creating robust and reliable software.

  • Debugging a programme is another process that involves logical thinking, where problems in a programme are identified, isolated and then fixed. This often involves using systematic methods to identify the cause of the problem.

  • Finally, noting that logical thinking is not only confined to computer science, it’s a transferrable skill that would benefit various fields like science, engineering, and mathematics.