Applications Generation
Applications generation revolves around the processes needed to develop and maintain computer software.
It involves a variety of tasks, including coding, testing, debugging, documenting, and maintenance tasks.
There are different types of application generation methods - low-level (manual coding) and high-level (automatic code generation).
Low-level generation involves manually writing code line by line and requires a high level of skill in a particular programming language. This method allows for greater control and optimisation.
High-level generation utilises system generator software to automatically create code. It generally requires less technical expertise and mainly deals with the design and logic of the application.
High-level application generation is divided into three modules: Data Dictionary, System Generator, and Application Generator.
The data dictionary holds all the data about the application such as field lengths, names, formats, and validation rules.
System generator looks at this data to produce a system that functions according to these specifications.
The application generator, the part the user interacts with, is produced by combining the outputs from the system generator with the user interface.
One key advantage of high-level generation is its speed and efficiency in generating software quickly. This often results in considerable time savings.
High-level generation also allows for easier maintenance and updating of the application, as changes can be made to the original design specifications and a new version can be generated automatically.
However, a significant drawback of high-level generation is that it may lead to inefficient code and can limit the control programmers have over the final product.
For complex applications that require special functionalities and optimisations, low-level generation is generally preferred.
Testing is an integral part of applications generation. The purpose of testing is to identify and resolve any glitches or problems that may impact how the application functions.
Documentation is also a fundamental part of application generation. Good documentation helps future developers understand the structure and flow of the application allowing easier maintenance and modifications.
Continuous maintenance after the application is deployed is crucial to fix bugs, add new features, and ensure that the application remains functional and relevant.
Understand the importance of applications generation in the context of software engineering, as it signifies how software is structured, created, and maintained.