Data Types

  • Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. They represent the kind of value that defines what operations can be carried out on a particular piece of data.

  • Basic data types include integers, float (numbers with decimal points), boolean (true/false) and characters.

  • Abstract data types are a level of abstraction which encapsulates the data structure used to store data and the operations that can be performed on the stored data. Examples include List, Stack, Queue, Set and Map.

  • Integers are whole numbers that can be either positive, negative or zero. In most programming languages, they occupy a fixed amount of memory.

  • Floats, also known as floating point numbers, represent real numbers and are written with a fractional component.

  • Boolean data types can hold two values: true or false. They are used to perform logical operations, commonly used in decision making.

  • Char represents a single character and is typically used to store letters, numbers and special characters.

  • Strings are a sequence of characters. They enable the storage and manipulation of text.

  • Arrays are a collection of similar type of data. They are used when multiple values must be stored under a single variable.

  • Static data types are those whose data type is known at compile time. Dynamic data types, on the other hand, can have their data type set or changed at run time.

  • Understanding the differences between these data types, how they are stored, and the operations that can be performed on them is crucial to effective programming.

  • The concept of data types relates closely to the way a computer’s memory system works. Different types of data take up different amounts of memory and this is why it is necessary to define the type of data that a variable can hold.

  • The process of declaring the data type of a variable is often known as data type declaration or type definition.

  • Choosing the appropriate data type can reduce the memory needs of a programme and can increase the speed and efficiency of your software.