Thinking Abstractly

Thinking Abstractly

  • Understanding abstraction is crucial for problem solving in computational thinking. It helps to simplify complex problems by highlighting vital aspects that require attention, while ignoring irrelevant details.

  • Abstraction can be explained as the process of capturing only essential characteristics of a problem or system, to be implemented in a solution. Often this is a multi-layered process, where numerous levels of abstraction may be used.

  • A hierarchy of abstraction layers is commonly used to manage complexity. Each layer isolates specific functions, data or processes, thus improving readability, reliability, and maintainability of the software.

  • Abstraction in programming often involves creating user-defined data types, functions or methods. It can be realised through encapsulation, where a complex system is contained within a single entity, and presented with an interface that hides its complexity.

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) is built around the principles of abstraction. Here, objects are the abstractions of real-world or system entities, and their properties and behaviours are encapsulated in classes.

  • In algorithms, abstraction can be applied to design an efficient solution. It is an iterative process where each algorithmic step is simplified until a solution is found.

  • Functional abstraction refers to the process of encapsulating a segment of code in a function, allowing it to be reused across different parts of software. This increases efficiency by reducing redundancy and complexity.

  • Knowing when and how to abstract, is an important decision making skill in computational thinking. It is a balance between creating a model that is simple enough to understand, but not too simple that it omits important aspects of the problem.

  • Challenges associated with abstraction include accurately identifying what details to hide or include, the risk of oversimplification, and managing a potentially increased level of complexity if abstractions are layered too deeply.