Describe the Solution

Describe the Solution

  • This section is heavily reliant on your ability to clearly articulate the proposed solution to address the problem or request defined in the initial analysis. Communication is key here and should be concise and precise.

  • Think of the solution description as your blueprint. It should explain in detail how you plan to construct your programme and include all necessary details to make the concept clear.

  • Pinpoint what programming language, why that specific language suits your needs better, and how it will be utilised in the construction of your programme.

  • Include specifics about the platforms or technologies you will be using. Elaborate on why these choices are optimal for your solution.

  • Layout of the GUI, if applicable, should be discussed. Interface elements that will be incorporated should be identified.

  • Describe algorithms and data structures that will be employed. You should illustrate how these work and their roles in your programme with diagrams, pseudo codes, and succinct explanations.

  • Discuss any potential challenges or obstacles in the development process and include how these could be overcome. This showcases your problem-solving skills.

  • In your description, keep usability and user experience in mind. Talk about how users will interact with the programme and how the design promotes ease of use.

  • Decisions you make should be justified throughout this section. Do not simply state what you plan to do, but also why you plan to do it this way.

  • Lastly, it may be helpful to include a timeline or progress plan within this description. This illustrates organisation and provides a roadmap for the development of your solution.

Review and revise your description constantly to ensure clarity and thoroughness. Always consider if someone not familiar with your project could gain a strong understanding of your solution from this description alone.