Thinking Logically

Thinking Logically

  • Logical thinking is a fundamental aspect of computational thinking, used for approaching problems systematically.
  • The cornerstone of logical thinking is Boolean logic, which revolves around true and false values.
  • Boolean operators, including AND, OR and NOT, are used to create logical expressions which can then be evaluated to either true or false.
  • There are several basic laws and principles of Boolean Algebra such as Identity Law, Null Law, Complement Law, Idempotent Law etc.
  • Logic gates represent these Boolean operations in a physical or digital system. The most common gates are AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR.
  • Decision trees are used to visually express a sequence of Boolean operations.
  • Logical thinking is not only used in decision-making processes in algorithms but also in error detection and correction of data.
  • Truth tables are used to present the outcomes of logical expressions, they show all possible values of the logical variables.
  • De Morgan’s Laws are effective tools in simplifying complex logical expressions. These laws state that the negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations and vice versa.
  • Logical reasoning involves using rules to make inferences or predictions. It enables programmers to understand and predict the behaviour of their code under different circumstances.
  • Conditional statements, also known as if-then statements, are used in programming to perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified Boolean condition evaluates to true or false.
  • Loop structures often use logical conditions to determine whether they should continue iterating or stop. For example, while and for loops in many programming languages will continue to repeat so long as their condition evaluates to true.
  • Edge cases often challenge logical thinking as they represent the extremes of possible input. Thoroughly considering these edge cases can often lead to more robust, error-free programmes.