Literary techniques & impact on reader

Literary techniques & impact on reader

Narrative Techniques

  • Homer uses immersive storytelling to engage his audience, presenting events in a vivid and detailed manner to generate an almost pictorial image.
  • The use of Dialogues between characters allows for personality constructs and the development of drama.
  • Homer employs ‘In Medias Res’, a narrative technique where the story starts in the middle of events, creating an immediate sense of action and interest.
  • Homer’s use of flashbacks gives depth to characters and events, enriching his narrative with layers of past actions and decisions.
  • The Similes and Metaphors used often describe battle scenes and characters, enhancing the reader’s connection with the storyline.

Dramatic Devices

  • The use of pathos helps to evoke the reader’s empathy for the characters, particularly in scenes such as Priam’s mourning or Achilles’ guilt.
  • The device of foreshadowing, such as Hector’s premonition of his death, builds suspense and anticipative excitement in the audience.
  • Divine interventions serve as major plot devices, enhancing the drama and conflict of the story.

Cultural Context

  • The repetitious invocation of the Muse in the beginning emphasises the tradition of oral storytelling.
  • The use of epithets and formulaic expressions serve both as mnemonic aids for the poet and to reinforce character traits and attributes to the reader.
  • Detailed accounts of funeral rites and feasting rituals provide cultural context and authenticate the setting of the story.

Audience Engagement

  • Homer’s use of direct speeches allows audience engagement with characters on a personal level.
  • The poem’s consistent focus on human themes of love, honour, and loss resonate universally with readers, forming emotional connection.
  • Detailed battlefield descriptions and heroic actions generate excitement and suspense, making the reading experience more thrilling.
  • The resolution of conflicts and the closure of the story with a note of humanity, despite being a war narrative, has a profound impact on the reader.