Definition and finding the nth term

Definition and finding the nth term

Understanding the Concept of nth term

  • A sequence refers to an ordered list of numbers. Each number in the sequence is referred to as a term.
  • The position of a term in a sequence is usually given a variable like n. The first term is where n = 1, the second term where n = 2, and so on.
  • The nth term of a sequence is a formula that enables us to find any term of the sequence without having to go up from one term to the next.
  • The nth term rule is a pattern, embedded in a formula, that allows for the calculation of any corresponding term in the sequence with the known value of n.

Steps to Find the nth term

  • Step 1: Investigate the sequence for a pattern. Look at the differences between successive terms.
  • Step 2: If the difference between the terms is constant, the sequence is linear. A linear sequence will have an nth term of the form an + b.
  • Step 3: The coefficient of n, or a, is the common difference in the sequence.
  • Step 4: To find the constant/bias term, substitute any term number and its corresponding term value into the equation an + b.


  • Consider the sequence: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
  • Step 1: The difference between the terms is constant and equal to +3.
  • Step 2: This is a linear sequence, so the nth term will be of the form an + b.
  • Step 3: The coefficient of n is the same as the common difference. Therefore, a = +3 and the nth term becomes 3n + b.
  • Step 4: Substitute a known value of n and its term into 3n + b. Using n = 1 and term value 3, the equation becomes 3*1 + b = 3. Solving this gives b = 0. Hence, the nth term is 3n.

Essential Tips

  • The concept of nth term involves understanding patterns and rules in sequenced numbers.
  • Practising with different sequences enhances proficiency in finding nth terms.
  • If a sequence does not have a linear pattern, methods of finding the nth term may be more complex, such as quadratic or geometric sequences.

In Summary

  • Finding the nth term involves identifying patterns in sequences and creating linear equations.
  • The nth term rule makes it possible to calculate any term in the sequence without iterating through every preceding term.