Division rule for indices

Division Rule for Indices


  • Indices, also known as powers or exponents, are used to represent a number that has been multiplied by itself.
  • The division rule is one of the fundamental rules in the laws of indices and applies when dividing terms with the same base.

Division Rule Explained

  • When you divide two numbers with the same base and different indices, the outcome is the base with an index equal to the difference of the original indices.
  • The division rule is expressed as: a^m / a^n = a^(m-n)

Parts of the Division Rule

  • a is the base of the terms being divided.
  • m and n are the indices of the terms.
  • m-n is the new power or exponent of the base after the division has been carried out.

Usage of the Division Rule

  • The division rule for indices simplifies the division of terms with the same base but different powers.
  • This law is particularly useful when simplifying algebraic expressions or solving equations.


  • For an example, a^6 / a^3 = a^(6-3) = a^3.
  • As another example, b^8 / b^5 = b^(8-5) = b^3.


  • A sound understanding of the division rule for indices is important when performing algebraic manipulations.
  • This rule, like other rules for indices, plays a central role in algebra and is often foundational for more advanced mathematical topics. Regular practice with the division rule will ensure increased familiarity and fluidity in mathematics problems.