Finding a percentage of a quantity
Finding a percentage of a quantity
Understanding Percentages
- A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100.
- For example, 50% equals to 50 parts out of 100.
Calculating a Percentage of a Quantity
- To calculate a percentage of a quantity, the first step is to change the percentage into a decimal or a fraction. Doing so will make the calculation easier.
- For instance, 25% can be understood as 0.25 (in decimal) or 1/4 (as a fraction).
Using Decimal to Find the Percentage
- After converting the percentage into a decimal, multiply the decimal by the given quantity.
- For instance, if you want to find 25% of 60, you would multiply 0.25 by 60. This would result in 15.
Using Fractions to Find the Percentage
- After converting the percentage into a fraction, multiply the fraction by the given quantity.
- For instance, if you want to find 25% of 60, you would multiply 1/4 by 60. This process is equivalent to dividing 60 by 4, resulting in 15 as well.
Verification of the Solution
- Whether you chose to use decimals or fractions, the end result should be the same.
- This helps to check if the calculated percentage of a quantity is correct.
Practical Applications of Finding Percentages
- Understanding how to calculate a percentage of a quantity is crucial in many areas, including personal finance, data analysis, and shopping discounts.
- Applying this knowledge will enable fair distribution of resources, and accurate understanding of financial and statistical data.
Example of Calculating a Percentage
- For instance, to find out what 70% of 200 is, convert 70% into a decimal (0.7) or a fraction (7/10).
- When you multiply 0.7 by 200, you get 140. Similarly, when you multiply 7/10 by 200, you also get 140.
- Therefore, 70% of 200 equals to 140.