What is a percentage?
What is a percentage?
Understanding Percentages
- A percentage is a common way of expressing a proportion or a part of a whole.
- It represents a number as a fraction of 100.
The Concept of Percentages
- The term ‘percent’ comes from the Latin ‘per centum’, which means ‘per hundred’.
- When a value is expressed as a percentage, it means that value per hundred units of the whole.
- For example, 25% means 25 out of 100.
Calculating Percentages
- To calculate a percentage, convert the fraction or decimal into a number over 100.
- For instance, to calculate 15% of 60: first convert 15% into decimal, i.e. 15 ÷ 100 = 0.15. Then, multiply 0.15 by 60 = 9. So, 15% of 60 is 9.
Common Uses of Percentages
- Percentages are used in various contexts, such as calculating discounts, grades, interest rates and growth or decrease rates.
- For instance, if a shop offers a 20% discount on a £50 shirt, it means you will pay £50 less 20% (£10), totalling £40.
Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
- You can convert fractions to percentages by dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying by 100.
- Convert decimals to percentages by multiplying by 100 and adding the ‘%’ symbol.
- For instance, 0.20 as a percentage is 20%, while the fraction 1/5 is equivalent to 20% when expressed as a percentage.
Problem Solving with Percentages
- Solving problems involving percentages requires multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, and sometimes involves fractions and decimals.
- You may need to calculate percentage changes, increases or decreases or find the original quantity given the changed amount and the percentage change.
- It’s crucial to ensure you are comfortable with these types of problem-solving tasks involving percentages. Practise a variety of problems to improve your skill set.