Equation of a perpendicular bisector

Equation of a Perpendicular Bisector: An Overview

  • The term perpendicular bisector refers to a line that cuts another line into two equal halves at a right angle (90 degrees).
  • Understanding how to construct and interpret the equation of a perpendicular bisector is a fundamental part of algebra.

Fundamental Concepts Involved

  • A line is perpendicular to another if it meets or crosses it forming a right angle.
  • The term bisector indicates that the original line is divided into two equal parts.
  • Hence, a perpendicular bisector not only intersects the original line at a right angle but also splits it in half.
  • The midpoint of a line can be found by calculating the average of the endpoints, i.e., ((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2).

Forming the Equation of a Perpendicular Bisector

  • To form the equation of a perpendicular bisector, one needs to find the midpoint of the line segment and the negative reciprocal of the original line’s slope.
  • The formula for a line in a coordinate plane is represented by ‘y = mx + c’, where ‘m’ is the slope and ‘c’ is the y-intercept.
  • If ‘m’ is the slope of the original line, the slope of the line perpendicular to this would be ‘-1/m’. This is known as the negative reciprocal.
  • After calculating the slope of the perpendicular bisector, substitute the midpoint coordinates into the line equation to find the y-intercept.

Practical Example of a Perpendicular Bisector

  • Consider a line segment with endpoints at points A (2,3) and B (4,1).
  • The midpoint can be calculated as ((2+4)/2, (3+1)/2) => (3, 2).
  • Now, if the slope of line AB was found to be ‘m=1’, the slope of the perpendicular bisector would be ‘-1/1’ or ‘-1’.
  • Substituting the midpoint and the slope into the line equation y = mx + c, one can solve for ‘c’ and find the equation of the perpendicular bisector.

Understanding the Significance of Perpendicular Bisectors

  • Comprehending the concept of perpendicular bisectors is crucial as it is applicable in many geometric proofs and theorems.
  • They play a significant role in determining important concepts like circumcenter of a triangle, where the perpendicular bisectors of all sides of a triangle intersect.


  • Constructing and interpreting the equation of a perpendicular bisector is a key algebraic skill.
  • Understanding the underlying concept of the midpoint, negative reciprocal of the slope, and how they determine the equation truly simplifies the process.
  • Foundations in these principles provide tools to tackle a range of problems involving perpendicular lines and their applications in geometry.