Exam Questions

Exam Questions

Algebra - Solving Linear Equations

  • A linear equation is one that contains one variable and can be written in the form Ax + B = 0.
  • To solve a linear equation, you simply isolate the variable, usually x. That means getting x by itself on one side of the equation.
  • Don’t forget about the “inverse operations” rule. If the variable is being added to or subtracted from, do the opposite to get it by itself. If the variable is being multiplied or divided, do the inverse.

Algebra - Quadratic Equations

  • A quadratic equation can be written in the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0, where A, B, and C are constants, but A is not equal to zero.
  • Quadratic equations may have one, two, or no solutions. These solutions are also known as the roots of the equation.
  • The formula for solving these equations is commonly expressed as: x = [-B ± sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)] / 2A.
  • The part under the square root, B^2 - 4AC, is called the discriminant.

Algebra - Simultaneous Equations

  • Simultaneous equations are a set of equations with multiple variables. The solution to a set of simultaneous equations is the set of values that satisfy all the equations at the same time.
  • There are two main methods for solving simultaneous equations: substitution and elimination.
  • In the substitution method, you solve one of the equations for one variable and then substitute that expression into the other equation.
  • In the elimination method, you either add or subtract the equations in order to eliminate one of the variables.

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly practice solving different types of algebra questions as preparation for your assessments.
  • Remember that understanding the form and methods for each type of equation - linear, quadratic, and simultaneous equations - is pivotal in solving them successfully.
  • Don’t rely solely on memorizing formulas. Instead, make an effort to understand the logic and processes that underpin them.