Topic: Cinema

Topic: Cinema

Appreciating Italian Cinema

Basic Vocabulary and Concept

  • Acquaint yourself with central vocabulary related to films, such as film (movie), attore (actor), attrice (actress), regista (director), and cinema (cinema).
  • Understand different genres in Italian, including commedia (comedy), tragedia (tragedy), azione (action), and horror (horror).
  • Practice conversations and sentences including views on different films.

Famous Italian Cinema and Filmmakers

  • Gain an understanding of iconic Italian cinema including both classical and modern.
  • Study renowned directors like Federico Fellini, Roberto Rossellini and Sergio Leone and their contributions to global cinema.
  • Learn about acclaimed Italian films, such as La Dolce Vita, Roma, and Once Upon a Time in the West.

Influential Themes in Italian Cinema

  • Grasp key themes often presented in Italian cinema like love, war, political unrest, and socio-economic disparity.
  • Understand how these themes reflect Italian society and history.
  • Practice discussing these themes in Italian.

Cinema-related Italian Idioms and Phrases

  • Learn common idioms and phrases related to cinema like ‘Fare la parte del leone’ (to play a leading role), ‘È un altro film’ (literally ‘it’s another movie’ meaning ‘it’s another story’).
  • Use these idioms and phrases in speaking and writing for a richer, more authentic Italian conversation experience.

Italian Cinema and Cultural Significance

  • Develop an understanding of how Italian cinema is a vital part of Italian culture and identity.
  • Learn how Italian cinema has been influential in global cinema, particularly through the Italian Neorealism movement.
  • Research well-known film festivals such as the Venice Film Festival.

Through an in-depth exploration of Italian Cinema, you’ll be able to meaningfully discuss Italian culture and societal norms, bringing a vital layer to your understanding of the language.