Topic: Weather

Topic: Weather

Basic Weather Vocabulary

  • Familiarise yourself with basic weather vocabulary (il tempo, sole, pioggia, neve, nuvole).
  • Understand the different seasons (estate, autunno, inverno, primavera) and typical Italian weather during these seasons.
  • Be able to discuss daily weather and forecast in Italian (Oggi fa caldo, domani pioverà).

Local Weather

  • Learn about the microclimate of your local area and how it is affected by geographical features (Nella mia regione piove spesso a causa della vicinanza ai monti).
  • Gain familiarity with typical weather patterns and climate in your local region.
  • Learn how to compare the local weather in the UK with that in Italy (Fa più caldo in Italia rispetto all’Inghilterra).

National Weather

  • Be familiar with the geographic and climate differences across Italy - from the cold Alps in the North to the warm regions of Sicily in the South.
  • Recognise the impact of the Italian climate on lifestyle, culture, and agriculture (Il clima caldo del sud favorisce la crescita degli olivi).
  • Understand natural disasters and extreme weather conditions that may occur in Italy (terremoti, alluvioni).

International and Global Weather

  • Discuss climate differences between Italy and other countries (In Australia, le stagioni sono opposte rispetto all’Italia).
  • Understand the effects of global warming and climate change, and how they can affect weather patterns in Italy and globally (Il riscaldamento globale potrebbe causare estati più calde e inverni più miti).

Social and global issues

  • Discuss the environmental impact of human activities on the weather and climate (L’inquinamento può contribuire al riscaldamento globale).
  • Be aware of how changes in climate can affect global issues such as migration, food production, and biodiversity.
  • Understand the role and impact of international climate agreements and policies on weather patterns (L’Accordo di Parigi sul clima mira a limitare l’aumento delle temperature globali).