Topic: What You Do at Home

Topic: What You Do at Home

Daily Routine

  • Familiarise with verbs and phrases that describe typical daily actions at home: svegliarsi (to wake up), lavarsi (to wash), vestirsi (to get dressed), fare colazione (to have breakfast), andare a letto (to go to bed).

  • Talk about the time you tend to do these actions, using time expressions like di mattina (in the morning), di pomeriggio (in the afternoon), di sera (in the evening).

Chores at Home

  • Learn the names of chores and the respective verbs: fare il letto (to make the bed), pulire (to clean), fare la spesa (to do the shopping), cucinare (to cook), stirare (to iron).

  • Add phrases that express frequency to describe how often you do these chores: ogni giorno (everyday), una volta alla settimana (once a week), mai (never).

Family Life

  • Discuss various aspects of family life using phrases like: mio fratello/mia sorella (my brother/sister), i miei genitori (my parents), cenare insieme (to have dinner together), discutere con (to argue with).

  • Talk about shared activities, using verbs like guardare (to watch), giocare (to play), ascoltare (to listen to).

Home Entertainment

  • Understand vocabulary related to home entertainment such as televisione (television), computer (computer), libri (books), giochi (games).

  • Describe what you enjoy doing in your free time, incorporating phrases like mi piace (I like), preferisco (I prefer), sono appassionato di (I am passionate about).

Changes and the Future

  • Discuss improvements or changes you would like to make in your home. Use conditional phrases like: vorrei (I would like), se avessi l’opportunità, farei (if I had the opportunity, I would).

  • Share your plans and hopes for the future at home: spero di (I hope to), in futuro, vorrei (in the future, I would like).

Practise using these words and phrases in sentences and brief paragraphs. This will help you to develop fluency when discussing what you do at home.