Topic: Travel - Getting to Your Destination
Topic: Travel - Getting to Your Destination
Getting Around Locally
- Familiarise yourself with vocabulary related to different methods of transport (automobile, autobus, treno, bicicletta).
- Recognise phrases to ask and give directions in Italian (Dov’è la stazione? Vai dritto e poi gira a destra).
- Understand dialogue related to buying tickets for public transportation (Vorrei un biglietto per Roma).
Nationwide Travels
- Understand train travel in Italy, including the difference between regional (regionale) and high-speed trains (frecciarossa).
- Be aware of phrases related to flight travel, such as check-in procedures and in-flight services (Ho bisogno di un biglietto andata e ritorno).
- Learn vocabulary used in car rental (Vorrei noleggiare un’auto) and relating to the road (semaforo, rotatoria, autostrada).
International Travel
- Understand the vocabulary used in international travel, from passport (passaporto) to customs (dogana).
- Learn expressions to use at the airport, including those related to departures (partenze) and arrivals (arrivi), or delays (ritardi).
- Acknowledge how to ask for help during journeys, particularly in case of lost luggage (Ho perso la mia valigia).
Global Journeys
- Recognise the Italian equivalents for different types of overseas travel, such as a cruise (una crociera).
- Learn about Italy’s main airlines and their reputation (Alitalia, Ryanair, EasyJet).
- Get to know the expressions for environmentally-friendly travel (viaggio eco-sostenibile).
Social and Global Issues
- Be capable of discussing sustainable travel methods and their benefits (Viaggiare in treno è più ecologico che viaggiare in aereo).
- Understand the impact of overtourism on Italy’s major cities and sites (I turisti sono una fonte di reddito, ma a volte provocano problemi).
- Be able to converse about the potential effects of global issues, such as climate change, on future travel habits (I cambiamenti climatici potrebbero ridurre i viaggi in aereo).