Topic: Healthy and Unhealthy Living
Topic: Healthy and Unhealthy Living
Foundations of Healthy Living
- Learn the vocabulary for different types of food and drinks (cibo, bevande, frutta, verdura, carne).
- Understand how to express different eating habits (Ho la colazione alle sette, Mangio cinque porzioni di frutta e verdura ogni giorno).
- Familiarise yourself with words related to exercise and physical activities (palestra, corso di fitness, nuotare, correre).
Foundations of Unhealthy Living
- Get to know terms related to unhealthy food and habits (fast food, fumo, alcool).
- Explore ways of expressing lack of physical activities (Non faccio mai esercizio, Passo troppo tempo davanti alla televisione).
- Understand vocabulary related to health problems (il diabete, l’obesità, la pressione alta).
Local Customs and Health
- Learn about health patterns in different regions of Italy, such as common lifestyles, diet and local dishes (Ad esempio, la dieta mediterranea è molto comune in Italia e si considera molto sana).
- Understand the role of local habits in determining the shape of Italians public health and wellness.
National Health Organisation
- Be aware of the Italian National Health Service and how it works (Il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale).
- Comprehend the impact of national health campaigns on Italians’ eating and living habits.
International and Global Health Issues
- Be knowledgeable of global health campaigns and their impact on Italy (Ad esempio, la lotta contro l’obesità globale).
- Understand health issues such as obesity and heart disease, and how these topics are discussed in Italy compared to globally.
Social and Global Health Influences
- Learn how to discuss issues related to body image and mental health.
- Explore how various aspects of modernity and globalisation, such as the fast food industry, affect health and lifestyle in Italy.