Topic: Technology

Topic: Technology

Italian Vocabulary Relating to Technology

General Vocabulary

  • Become familiar with basic technology-related terms such as computer (computer), internet (internet), telefono (telephone), and televisore (television).
  • Understand commonly used verbs in this context, like navigare (to surf/browse), scaricare (to download), inviare (to send), and more.

Mobile and Social Media

  • Learn terms associated with mobile technology and social media, such as smartphone (smartphone), app (app), social media (social media), and messaggio (message).
  • Familiarise yourself with frequently used internet acronyms, such as SMS (SMS), ASAP (ASAP), LOL (LOL) which are often used as it is in the Italian language.

Using Technology in Italian Culture

Everyday Use

  • Understand how technology is used daily in Italian culture, including terms for daily activities, such as mandare un’email (sending an email), usare il GPS (using the GPS).
  • Grasp phrases which express reactions to technology, like ‘È fuori servizio’ (It’s out of service), or ‘La batteria è scarica’ (The battery is dead).

Technological Advances

  • Learn words and phrases describing technological advancements or trends like l’intelligenza artificiale (Artificial Intelligence), la realtà virtuale (Virtual Reality).
  • Familiarise yourself with aspects of cultural attitudes to technology in Italy. For example, there’s a growing concern on sicurezza online (online security).

Technology’s Impact in Italy

Impact on Society and Economy

  • Understand the vocabulary around the influence of technology on society and economy like l’occupazione (employment), la disoccupazione (unemployment), or l’economia digitale (digital economy).
  • Adopt phrases that express technological disparities such as ‘Il divario digitale’ (The digital divide), using them in appropriate contexts.

Tech in Education

  • Learn terminology pertaining to tech-related education such as l’istruzione a distanza (distance learning), l’apprendimento online (online learning).
  • Understand and discuss how technology impacts day-to-day academic activities and teaching methods in Italy.

By developing a nuanced knowledge of technology in the Italian language, you’ll not only expand your vocabulary but also gain insights into contemporary Italian society.